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[ 15 ]

Gives Sighs of Gratulation; struggling Crouds
From ev'ry City flow; with ardent Gaze
Fixt, they behold the British Guide, of Sight
Insatiate; whilst His Great Redeeming Hand
Each Prince affects to touch respectful. See,
How Prussia's King transported Entertains
His Mighty Guest; to Him the RoyaI Pledge,
Hope of his Realm, commits, (with better Fate,
Than to the Trojan Chief Evander gave
Unhappy Pallas) and intreats to shew
The Skill and Rudiments austere of War.
See, with what Joy, Him Leopold declares
His Great Deliverer; and courts t'accept
Of Titles, with superior Modesty
Better refus'd. Mean while the Haughty King
Far humbler Thoughts now learns; Despair, and Fear
Now first he feels; his Laurels all at once
Torn from his Aged Head, in Life's extream,
Distract his Soul; nor can Great Boileau's Harp
Of various sounding Wire, best taught to calm
Whatever Passion, and exalt the Soul
With highest Strains, his languid Spirits cheer:
Rage, Shame, and Grief, alternate in his Breast.
