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under the sacramental veils; in Thy love Thou never steepest, and Thou art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners. O Jesus, I love Thee. Thou art infinitely good, and yet I have displeased Thee by many sins. Forgive me — I am truly sorry for having offended Thee. O sweet Jesus! O lonely Jesus! may my heart be a lamp, the light of which shall burn henceforth for Thee alone. Bless me, Jesus. Come, and refresh me spiritually by Thy presence, before I take my rest. Let me nevermore be separated from Thee by sin. Adorable Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of divine love! within Thy sacred wound take Thou my soul, in order that my heart may be inflamed with love of Thee.

O Prisoner of love, divine Jesus! Chain my poor heart to the foot of Thy altar. Dearest Jesus, Thou hast made my heart for Thyself alone, and it can not find rest, except in Thee; hide it within Thy divine Heart in the tabernacle. When shall I see Thee face to face, and rest for ever in Thy bosom? "Thou art the God of my heart and the God that is my portion forever" (Ps. lxxii, 26).

O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine!

Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Contrition

Various Forms Sanctioned for Different Countries


The Following form is authorized for England:

Act of Faith

I firmly believe that there is one God, and that in this one God there are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: that the Son took to Himself the nature of man, from the Virgin Mary's womb, by the power of the Holy Ghost; and that in this our human nature He was crucified and died for us; that afterwards He rose again, and ascended into heaven; from thence He shall come to