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correct what is defective in their own reproduction of the life spent in the Holy House. It will be for them a beacon light in seasons of darkness and desolation, a place of rest in the weariness of temptation, and a tranquil haven of peace and consolation in the endurance of every form of suffering."

The Tabernacle Society, in a very practical and commendable way, combines the active with the contemplative life. The saintly Archbishop William Henry Elder, of blessed memory, once addressed the present writer in the following words:

"The reading of the Annual Report of your Society has awakened my wonder and filled me with consolation. It is a wonder indeed, that, in these few short years since its humble beginning, it has so quietly accomplished so much work, and rendered so beautiful services to Our Lord in His lowly churches, of so many places, near at home and far away in Western and Oriental countries. And it is most consoling to see that these are not merely outward and material works, but they proceed from the interior spirit. They are the visible flowers, growing from the roots of a deep devotion to Jesus Christ in the sacrament of His love. This is expressed in the additional name of your Society; ' The Association of Perpetual Adoration.' And it is shown, not in name only, but in action, since you make the monthly ' Hour of Adoration ' one of your necessary duties, and the chief object of your prayers and good works.

" All over the world the Holy Ghost is moving the hearts of the faithful, particularly in our day, to draw more and more near to the source of all the graces that give life to souls: Our Lord in the Tabernacle and in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Tabernacle Society in various places is taking a large part in this movement, in concert with the Priests' Eucharistic League, the Eucharistic Congresses, the Forty