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tion of men, but Jesus will not be fully satisfied; and He might with reason apply to the associates who would act thus the well-known words — with a slight alteration of the text — ' Populus hie manibus Me honored, cor autem eorum huge est a Me. ' (' These people honor Me with their hands, but their heart is far from Me.') If, on the other hand, acts of faith, adoration, and worship of the Blessed Sacrament are multiplied, and the hand refuses to come to the relief of the poverty of Jesus Christ in so great a number of poor and destitute churches, these miserly souls might apply to themselves this reproach, 'I was naked, and you clothed Me not.'

"Thus it is necessary that interior devotion and external magnificence should harmonize, in order to fulfil the duties proper to the association. This indeed is so natural that it is only necessary to have a good heart to make it seem impossible to do otherwise. At the sight of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament, so rich in love for us, so poor in splendor for Himself, the heart spontaneously expands with reciprocal love, and the hand is opened to offer generous gifts. Therefore, beloved daughters, be piously solicitous to fulfil faithfully both the duties proper to the association. Above all, be very faithful in making every month your hour of adoration; do not fail to come to the reunions and to take part in the services that the association celebrates during the course of the year in honor of the ever blessed sacrament, and in acquitting yourselves of these duties animate your faith in the Holy Eucharist; occupy yourselves in holy thoughts and pious affections of adoration, reparation, thanksgiving, and prayer; rival in fervor, as much as possible, the angels who surround the Holy Tabernacle, and be well assured that the perfume of your piety will ascend even to the throne of the Lamb immolated for us, Who from