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Evening Prayer

BEHOLD now, bless ye the Lord: all ye servants of the Lord.

"Ye that stand in the house of the Lord: in the courts of the house of our God.

"Lift up your hands by night to the holy places: and bless ye the Lord.

"May the Lord bless Thee out of Sion: Who hath made heaven and earth (Ps. cxxxiii).

"HE THAT dwelleth in the aid of the Most High: shall abide under the protection of the God of heaven.

"He shall say to the Lord, Thou art my protector, and my refuge: my God, in Him will I trust.

"For He hath delivered me from the snare of the hunters: and from the sharp word.

"He will overshadow thee with His shoulders: and under His wings thou shalt trust.

"His truth shall compass thee with a shield: thou shall not be afraid of the terror of the night.

"For He hath given His angels charge over thee: to keep thee in all thy ways" (Ps. xc).

"IN Thee, put my trust; let never be confounded; deliver me in Thy justice.

"Bow down Thine ear to me; make haste to deliver me.

"Be Thou unto me a God, a protector, and a house of refuge: to save me.

"Into Thy hands I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth" (Ps. xxx).

"HAVE mercy on me: and hear my prayer.

"Lord, Thou hast set upon us the light of Thy countenance: Thou hast put gladness in my heart.

"In peace in the selfsame I will sleep and I will rest.

"For Thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope" (Ps.iv).