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Sweet Saviour! bless us
ere we go;
  Thy word into our minds instil;
And make our lukewarm hearts to glow
  With lowly love and fervent will.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

The day is done; its hours have run;
  And Thou hast taken count of all,
The scanty triumphs grace has won,
  The broken vow, the frequent fall.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

Grant us, dear Lord! from evil ways
  True absolution and release;
And bless us more than in past days
  With purity and inward peace.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

Do more than pardon; give us joy,
  Sweet fear and sober liberty,
And loving hearts without alloy,
  That only long to be like Thee.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

Labor is sweet, for Thou hast toiled,
  And care is light, for Thou hast cared;
Let not our works with self be soiled,
  Nor in unsimple ways ensnared.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

For all we love — the poor, the sad,
  The sinful — unto Thee we call;
Oh let Thy mercy make us glad;
  Thou art our Jesus and our all.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
  O gentle Jesus! be our light.

O Paradise!

O paradise! O Paradise!
  Who doth not crave for rest?
Who would not seek the happy land,
  Where they that loved are blest;

Where loyal hearts, and true,
  Stand ever in the light,