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Origin of the Perpetual Novena

Four Novenas of nine consecutive days were held in preparation for the four principal feasts of Our Lady at Mary’s Central Shrine, Germantown, Phila., Pa., which was built in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in 1927.

These Novenas proved so popular and Mary bestowed her favors so generously that the suggestion was adopted of conducting the Novena every Monday at Mary’s Central Shrine. This was done December 8, 1930, one hundred years after Our Lady revealed the devotion to Blessed Catherine Labouré. Today 12 services are held every Monday at Mary’s Central Shrine and between 15,000 and 20,000 people attend.

In November, 1932, a priest requested permission to start the Novena in his Parish Church. This permission was gladly given. Today 1459 Churches in 40 States in our country and Churches in England, Ireland, Scotland, India, Canada, China and the Canal Zone conduct the Miraculous Medal Perpetual Novena.



(All stand)


Mother dearest, Mother fairest,
Help of all who call on thee,
Virgin purest, brightest, rarest,
Help us, help, we cry to thee.


Mary, help us, help we pray,
Mary, help us, help we pray,
Help us in all care and sorrow;
Mary, help us, help we pray.