the head and legs, and fell down unconscious. On regaining consciousness became very feverish, but never had a rigor. Had continued fever for 21 days, temperature being intermittent, rising to 106°. Then he began to have rigors. On admission liver not enlarged and spleen just palpable. Blood showed double benign tertian infection rosettes and small forms. Completely cured.
Case 8. H. H., 22, from Port Said and Malta. Admitted, 16th June 1898, with history of fever for an indefinite time, and severe pain in the shoulder and arm for last three days. No history of a rigor or sweating, very anæmic-looking. Temperature, quotidian intermittent, between 104.6° and 97°. Blood showed benign tertian rosettes and rings. Completely cured.
Case 9. J. T., 38, from south U. S. A. Admitted, 17th September 1898. History of diarrhœa and passage of blood. No rigors but daily fever. General feeling of weakness. Had been taking quinine. Temperature irregular. Blood showed crescents. Completely cured with maximal doses of quinine.
Case 10. S. P., 24, from South America.