Reviews of former editions:
"We can thoroughly recommend this book to practitioners and students."—Lancet.
"We strongly recommend the book as a useful aid to the practical work of the profession."—Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal.
"The work can be strongly recommended to English practitioners, to whom, perhaps, it is not so well known as it undoubtedly deserves to be."—Quarterly Medical Journal.
"The author conveys his meaning very clearly, and the work bears evidence of thorough handling of the subject and of his determination to bring his facts into line with modern developments. It is a pleasure to find a manual so comprehensively and lucidly written and up-to-date."—Lancet.
". . . This work is one of the best of its kind ever published."—Dublin Journal of Medical Science.
". . . We may say that the book is very agreeable reading, and that the execution of the illustrations is, as a whole, excellent."—Practitioner.
". . . The chapters on foods . . . are well done. . . . The book is nicely printed and got up."—Sanitary Record and Journal.
London: HENRY KIMPTON, 13 Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C.