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for a kiss, which the young man bestowed very tenderly.

"Oh, how did you get here? You must have a magic carpet, after all!" cried Fen.

"Nay, caro mio," said Siddereticus, "but did I not tell you that I have other means of—" He stopped short, perceiving fixed on him the astonished gaze of an auburn-haired young lady, who sat motionless with amazement behind an easel.

"Oh!" cried Fen, "this is my Aunt Cynthia—I told you about her. Auntie, this is Siddereticus."

"This is Siddereticus, is it?" thought Cynthia, as she acknowledged the young man's bow. "I don't know that that enlightens me much!"

The Djinn turned gravely to Fen again.

"I came on the wings of the morning,"