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"Now!" sighed Auntie, "please tell me who and what is Siddereticus?"

"He's a Blue Djinn—my own one,"said Fen, without noticing the frankly amazed expression of his aunt. "But I'll begin at the beginning and tell you all about him."

"Please do," begged Auntie, as she gathered up her brushes again. So Fen plunged forthwith into a fairly clear account of the Djinn's various manifestations, which, as it progressed, brought a whimsical little smile to Cynthia's lips and more than once dimmed her eyes.

"There, I think I've 'splained it all, an' you're the only person I've ever told about it," he concluded.

"Yes," said Auntie quietly, "I think I know all about Siddereticus, now."

The young man boarded the yacht very cautiously on the following day; but see-