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"By the way," said the Djinn, "you haven't told me your name yet."

"It's Fenton Norvell, but they call me Fen."

"Then I shall call you Fen, likewise," said Siddereticus, with his grave smile.

"Please, Djinn," said the little boy, "have you ever been in those places where they are to-day—tombs of old, old kings, and cities where nobody lives?"

"Very often," replied Siddereticus, lighting a cigarette. He blew a thin cloud of smoke, and then went on, as though he were picking up the thread of a story.

"That temple—when you come near it, the great columns tower up and up against the blue sky; they are taller than the tallest palms on the bank there. They are covered all over with hieroglyphics—carved figures of birds and beasts and men—round and round the column as far up