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"I've told you lots of times how he 'splained to me about it," said Fen; "an' I think it's nice of him not to frighten all the people by his greenish face an' all. 'Sides, he doesn't look like 'any old person'; he 's quite queer an' diff'rent looking—all brown an' thin."

"Well, anyways," retorted Larry, "I don't b'lieve there's any a such thing, nor I won't b'lieve it till I see him doing magics myselluf."

Fen was on the verge of tears, and Sally, whose heart was really in the right place, gave Larry a rather hard kick, and said to Fen:

"Well, maybe there are lots of Djinns here (of course you wouldn't see 'em in America, Larry), and I hope your one will come and see you soon again. Fen, for he must be a wonderful thing."

Larry, whose shin smarted from his sister's vigorous hint, went off to the en-