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"As this is the last night, you know. Father wanted to do something special. They say it's so pretty by moonlight—but we'll be back before it's very late, on account of the children. I've told Mammy to give you your supper and to put you to bed early." She kissed him rather apologetically.

"You don't mind very much, do you, dear?"

Fen smiled. "Of course not," he said. "I hope it'll be nice."

Though she was his mother, she could not see behind the brave smile in his eyes, and his cheerful answer left her quite content as she descended to the launch.

Mammy, after making sure that Fen needed nothing, hastened below. Mammy did not at all approve of Egypt.

When the launch had disappeared and all was quiet. Fen drew from under the pillows the little box, which he had smug-