Page:Blythsome bridal, or, The lass wi' the gouden hair.pdf/2

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FY let us a' to the Bridal,
for there will be lilting there,
For Jockey's to be marry'd to Maggy,
the laſs wi' the gouden hair.
And there will be langkail and porrage,
and bannocks of barley-meal:
And there will be good ſa't herring,
to reliſh a cog o' good ale.
Fy let us a' to the Bridal, &c.

And there will be Sandy the ſouter,
and Will wi' the meikle mou',
and there will be Tam the bluter,
with Andrew the tinker I trow:
And there will be bow'd legged Robbie,
with thumbleſs Katy's goodman;
And there will be blue-checked Dowbie.
and Lowrie the laird o' the lan'. Fy, &c.

And there will be ſow-libber Patie,
and pluky-fac'd Wat i' the mill,
Capper-nos'd Patie and Gibbie,
that wins in the brow o' the hill;
And there will be Alaſter Sibbie,
wha in wi' black Beſie did mool,
With ſniveling Lilly and Tibby,
the laſs that ſtands aft on the ſtool,
Fy let us a' to the Bridal, &c.