Page:Bohemian legends and other poems.djvu/61

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Listen—do you hear the whisper—
He was killed by murder foul!
And his murderer hid the body
Near a cave where foxes howl.”

Wizard, can you say who killed him—
He who was my ford on earth?
Name your price, but tell me truly,
Does he still live on the earth?”
Then the wizard rose up stately,
And said slow, “Accursed one!
Do you doubt my magic power—
You are that accursed one!”

Yes, you killed your stripling nephew,
To inherit his broad land;
And you come here but to question
If detection is at hand.
Do you dream to cheat a wizard,
As you cheated that poor lad?
Yes, detection dogs your footsteps,
You shall see the murdered lad.

Never from this forest’s shadow
Shall you wander out again;
Even now they bring his body;
With your dagger he was slain.”
At these words the muffled stranger,
With a shriek rushed to the door,
But he fell back, swooning, fainting,
At the burden that they bore.

Half devoured by the foxes,
Lay the lord of vast estate;
On his knees a raving madman,
Laughed his uncle o’er his fate.
Through the dark and somber forest,
Home they bore the murdered youth;
But his uncle left that forest,
Nevermore on earth, forsooth.