Page:Boileau's Lutrin - a mock-heroic poem. In six canto's. Render'd into English verse. To which is prefix'd some account of Boileau's writings, and this translation. (IA boileauslutrinmo00boil).pdf/100

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Boileau's Lutrin.

When Zephyrs blow, And Birds difus'd to sing
Essay their Notes, to welcome in the Spring;
Albion's bright Goddess, mov'd with Europe's Tears,
Sends forth her Heroes to dissolve their Fears;
With Insulary Thunder to Prevent
The tow'ring Giants of the Continent.
The L'ouvre shakes, Pale Louis tastes again
The terrors of a New Ramillia Plain.
Th' Escurial dreads ANNA's recruited Might,
And Anjou Saddles for a Second Flight:
Parisian Walls shall prove a weak Defence
For [1]Quixot Kings,and each [2]Knight Errant Prince.

In vain do's Terror urge; Supine they lie,
And wait between the Sheets their Destiny.
Girot resolves to rouse 'em, and prepares
A Story, Which he Knew wou'd take their Ears,
Restore their Senses, and Expell their Fears.

  1. Don Philip.
  2. Chevalier St. George.
