Page:Boileau's Lutrin - a mock-heroic poem. In six canto's. Render'd into English verse. To which is prefix'd some account of Boileau's writings, and this translation. (IA boileauslutrinmo00boil).pdf/76

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Boileau's Lutrin.

When Boirude, as the Danger nearer grew,
A Tinder-box from his wide Pocket drew;
The veiny Flint and hardy Steel ingage,
Breathing in Particles of Fire their Rage:
Colliding Blows the Atoms disunite,
And kindle living Seeds of Infant Light:
The new-born Sparks a bluish Flame beget,
Which from sulphureous Fumes ejaculate;
The waxen Taper glows with borrow'd Fires,
And in a lasting bolder Flame aspires.
The Heroes with this trembling Star their Guide,
(This trembling Star the absent Sun supply'd)
Approach the Temple; Boirude opes the Gate,
And manfully conducts the Van in State:
As thro' the spacious Solitude they steer,
With Talk they dissipate invading Fear.
