Page:Boileau's Lutrin - a mock-heroic poem. In six canto's. Render'd into English verse. To which is prefix'd some account of Boileau's writings, and this translation. (IA boileauslutrinmo00boil).pdf/90

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Boileau's Lutrin.

When as I thought i'th' Choire with glorious Grace
I Bless'd the Crowd and fill'd my wonted Place,
Swallow'd the Incense, and unrivall'd bore
The first-Degree in Office and in Pow'r;
A Gloomy Smoke long rowling from afar
Seem'd from the darken'd Vestry to appear;
Forward it shot, and kindling as it came,
The dreadful Cloud burst in a bluish Flame;
And Oh! Dire Object! to my Sight display'd
A Dragon, by th' assisting Prelate led;
His Head Triangular; the frightful Mass
A very Reading-Desk appear'd, or Was.
When, animated by his Guide, the Beast
Darting at me, uprais'd his Monstrous Crest.
In vain I trembling fled, cry'd out in vain,
Till kindly Sleep relax'd his gentle Chain.
I can no more——Possess'd with Panic Dread;
In my pale Eyes the Sequel may be read.
