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Resolved to fight Britannia's foes
great Hector ne'er was bolder.
They sent me to a foreign coast,
where cannons loud did rattle,
Believe me, boys I do not boast,
how I behaved in battle

For many's the battle that I've been in,
in Holland and French Flanders
I always fought with a courage keen,
led on by brave commanders
I always fought with a courage keen,
and aye was valiant hearted,
Oa account of the usage that I got,
alas! I soon deserted.

Then straight for England I set sail,
as fast as wind could heave me,
Resolv'd that of my liberty,
no man should e'er deprive me.
I slept into the fields all night,
for fear of being detected
I could not walk the road by day,
lest I should be suspected.

I being of courage keen,
and likewise able bodied,