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With aching heart, ſhe now does lie,
Until the day that ſhe ſuſt die;
When dreſt in white from top to toe;.
To meet her fate this maid will go.

So maidens now take warning all,
Reflect upon her wretched fall,
And when you hear the dead bell toll,
Fall on your knees, pray for her ſoul.

O! by her death a warning take;
Before with you it be too late;
May ſhe get it ſtrength to meet the blow,
When ſhe ſinks to the ſhades below.


The bonieſt lad that e'er I ſaw,
Bonie laddie, Highland laddie,
Wore a plaid, and was fu' braw,
Bonie Highland laddie.
On his head a bonnet blue,
Bonie laddie, Highland laddie;
His loyal heart was firm and true
Bonie Highland laddie.