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But I ſhal ſay no more, leſt you think me too proud,
For my author he thinks it is time to conclude;
But hopes that no one ſhall have reaſon to grudge,
That they did ſubſcribe for the Findhorn Bridge.


At Bonny-Muir.

Ye lads and laſſies ſadly mourn,
The horrors of that dreadful morn,
Wnen friends and lovers, from you torn,
Did march for fatal Bonny-Muir.

By evil counſel nurs’d and fed,
By traitors and deceivers led.
They left their hamely, peaceful bed,
Ne’er to return from Bonny-Muir.

The fiends that led them to the ſcene,
Were men deſerving not a name;
They brought their dupes to grief and pain,
By their falſe views of Bonny-Muir.

Deſpis’d by moſt and lov’d by few,
The baſe, the mean, unfeeling crew.
Retrac’d their ſteps and back they flew,
From the black field of Bonny-Muir.

They left their comrades on the way,
Well knowing what a diſmal day
Was faſt approaching them and they,
If once engag’d at Bonny-Muir,