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May conſolation’s balm be ſpread
On every friend and lover’s head,
Or thoſe who fought, and dy’d, and bled,
For deeds perform’d at Bonny-Muir.

Let rich and poor, and young and old,
United be in one great fold.
That future times may hear it told,
They ſaw the fate of Bonny-Muir.

May trade be ſpread from ſhore to ſhore,
And peace and plenty evermore,
Be eſtabliſh’d all the world o’er.
When thou’rt forgot, ſad Bonny-Muir.

Now that the ſtorm has paſt away,
May Scotland ſee a happier day,
And commerce bear again the ſway,
Inſtead of feuds like Bonny-Muir.


Cauld blaws the win’ frae north to ſouth,
an’ drift is driving fairly:
The ſheep is couring in the heugh,
O ſirs! it’s Winter fairly.
Now up the morning’s no for me,
up in the morning early,
I’d rather gae ſupperleſs to my bed,
than riſe in the morning early.