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With mutual fondness, while they burn
Still to each other kindly turn :
And as the vital sparks decay,
Together gently sink away.
Till, life's fierce ordeal being past,

Their mingled ashes rest at last."

Graydon: On Nuts Burning All Hallows Eve.

Sometimes peas on a hot shovel are used instead.

Down the centuries from the Druid tree-worship comes the spell of the walnut-tree. It is circled thrice, with the invocation:

"Let her that is to be my true-love bring me some
walnuts;" and directly a spirit will be seen
in the tree gathering nuts.
"Last Hallow Eve I sought a walnut-tree.
In hope my true Love's face that I might see ;
Three times I called, three times I walked apace ;

Then in the tree I saw my true Love's face."

Gay: Pastorals.

The seeds of apples were used in many trials. Two stuck on cheeks or eyelids indicated by the time they clung the faithfulness of the friends named for them.