Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/258

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The host or hostess planning a theater or opera party should strive to have an equal number of men and women guests. For this reason, the person who receives an invitation should make prompt reply, so that if he or she is unable to attend, someone else can be asked to take the place. It is not necessary to have invitations engraved for these occasions; in fact, a brief note, written with just the correct degree of formality, yet with no sacrifice of cordiality, is much to be preferred. The following form is correct for theater or opera, changed to accord with the names, dates, and circumstances of the particular party:

22 South Street,
October 13, 19—

My dear Miss Johnson:

Mr. Roberts and I have planned to have a small group of friends hear "Faust" at the Central Opera House, and we are hoping that you will be one of us. The time is Friday evening, the seventeenth of October. I have been fortunate enough to obtain a box in the parquet, where the eight of us who will comprise the party will be comfortably seated.

If you are free to join us on that evening, Mr. Roberts and I will stop for you in the car at half past seven.

Cordially yours,

Evelyn T. Roberts.

The acknowledgment must be made promptly. The