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The Book of Ighan

with each other, one of whom begged help from Moses. His Holiness assisting him, killed his opponent, as recorded in the Book. To speak of this in detail would delay and defer our subject. This report was published throughout the city and fear fell upon His Holiness, according to the text of the Book. Finally He received the message: "O Moses, verily, the magistrates are deliberating concerning thee, to put thee to death" (K. S. 28); whereupon He left the city and remained in the service of Shoeb (Jeth-ro) in Midian. Upon His return He arrived at the" Blessed Valley "the wilderness of Sinai where He witnessed the manifested Light of the King of Unity from the Tree "which is neither of the east nor of the west" (Koran). He heard the soul-cheering Spiritual Voice from the enkindled Fire of Divinity and was appointed to guide the Pharaohic souls; to deliver the people from the valley of egotism and desire and lead them to the heart-rejoicing plains of spirit and guidance; to conduct all in the creation from the perplexity of remoteness to the abode of the Peace of Nearness, through the Salsabile of Severance. When He entered the house of Pharaoh and delivered that for which He was appointed, Pharaoh loosed his tongue in abuse, saying: "Art thou not he who committed murder and became an infidel?" This was spoken by the Lord of Glory as having been said by Pharaoh to Moses: "Yet hast thou done thy deed which thou hast done and thou art a faithless