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And mony tymes an hawke will ſowre whan ſhe lackyth bathyng.

A medecyne foꝛ an hawke that is lowſe.

Take quycke ſilueꝛ and put it in a baſſen of braſſe. and do theꝛ to ſaladyne: and aſkys. and medyll it wele to gedeꝛ. tyll all the quycke ſilueꝛ be dede. and medyll theꝛto fat of bonnys. and anoynte the hawke theꝛwith. and hang it aboute hiꝛ necke tyll it fall a way. and that ſhall ſlee the lies.

Alſo powdre of oꝛpement blowen vppon an hawke: with a penne ſhall ſlee the lies.

Alſo take a dagon oꝛ pece of Rough blanket vnſhoron and holde it to the fire. vnto tyme it be thorough owte waꝛme and wrappe the hawke theꝛin. and than holde hiꝛ ſoftely and ſtylly foꝛ huꝛtyng in yowre hondys. and the veꝛmyn will crepe in to the cloth.

Alſo holde hiꝛ in the ſonne in a fayre day. ⁊ ye ſhall ſe the veꝛmyn crepe owte vppon heꝛ federis. then take a knyfe and wete the oon ſide of the blade theꝛof wt yowre mowth. ⁊ alway as thay appere lay the wete ſide of the knyfe to theym. and they will cleue theꝛ to. and then ye may ſlee thaym.