Page:Book of common prayer (TEC, 1979).pdf/303

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Question Do you promise to follow and obey him as your Lord?
Answer I do.

When there are others to be presented, the Bishop says

The other Candidate(s) will now be presented.

PresentersI present these persons for Confirmation.
orI present these persons to be received into this Communion.
orI present these persons who desire to reaffirm their baptismal vows.

The Bishop asks the candidates

Do you reaffirm your renunciation of evil?

CandidateI do.


Do you renew your commitment to Jesus Christ?


I do, and with God’s grace I will follow him as my Savior and Lord.

After all have been presented, the Celebrant addresses the congregation, saying

Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?

PeopleWe will.

The Celebrant then says these or similar words

Let us join with those who are committing themselves to Christ and renew our own baptismal covenant.

Holy Baptism303