Page:Book of common prayer (TEC, 1979).pdf/553

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At the Ordination of a Bishop

Following the Consecration Prayer, and while the new bishop is being clothed with the vesture of the episcopate, instrumental music may be played.

Following the presentation of the Bible, and the formula “Receive the Holy Scriptures . . .” a ring, staff, and mitre, or other suitable insignia of office may be presented.

During the Eucharistic Prayer, it is appropriate that some of the consecrating bishops, and representative presbyters of the diocese, stand with the new bishop at the Altar as fellow ministers of the Sacrament.

The newly ordained bishop, assisted by other ministers, distributes Holy Communion to the people.  When necessary, the administration may take place at several conveniently separated places in the church.

After the pontifical blessing and the dismissal, a hymn of praise may be sung.

The bishops who are present are not to depart without signing the Letters of Consecration.

At the Ordination of a Priest

Reasonable opportunity is to be given for the priests present to join in the laying on of hands.

The stole worn about the neck, or other insignia of the office of priest, is placed upon the new priest after the entire Prayer of Consecration is completed, and immediately before the Bible is presented. Afterwards, other instruments or symbols of office may be given.

If two or more are ordained together, each is to have his own presenters. The ordinands may be presented together, or in succession, as the bishop may direct. Thereafter, references to the ordinand in the singular are changed to the plural where necessary. The ordinands are examined together.

During the Prayer of Consecration, the bishop and priests lay their hands upon the head of each ordinand. During the laying on of hands, the bishop alone says over each ordinand “Father, through Jesus Christ your
