unequal distribution of mass in the crust of the earth. These deflections can be determined only by comparison of geodetic and astronomic latitudes and longitudes at identical or nearly identical stations. No astronomic observations have been made at the point above the Capsule. However, at station Forest Park, shown on the sketch, observations for astronomical longitude, latitude, and azimuth have been made and furnish the following comparison:
Geodetic latitude | 40° 41′ 49″.518 |
Astronomic latitude | 40° 41′ 42″.38 |
Geodetic longitude | 73° 51′ 43″.966 |
Astronomic longitude | 73° 51′ 42″.30 |
Geodetic azimuth to station School | 190° 07′ 54″. 20 |
Astronomic azimuth to station School | 190° 07′ 55″ .28 |
Any operations for locating the Capsule by astronomical means should be started as nearly as possible at station Forest Park. After this point has been located the measurement of a base line for the determination of distances and the extension of triangulation to the position of the Time Capsule can be done without difficulty.
A study of conditions in and around New York City would indicate that there will be no chance five thousand years from now of recovering any of the triangulation stations shown on the sketch except possibly Forest Park. This station is located in Forest Park, Borough of Queens, New York City, six meters north of Park Lane and 70 meters east of the easterly line of Forest Parkway [extended]. It is marked by a cross in a granite post 0.15 meter square and 0.6 meter long embedded in a mass of concrete 0.9 meter square and 1.2 meters deep.
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