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history is known to all of us, as it is known to you. You are ashamed of it — so are we.

Messenger of Abydos, was he examined?

Rhk-Mara— He was.

Ta-Nefer — Did he have any wampum?

Rek-Nara — Not a kopeck.

Ta-Nefer — Any papyrus pith in his jeans?

Rek-Mara — Very little.

Ta-Nefer — Can he distinguish a pylon steak from a canopic cheese?

Rek-Mara — Not he.

Ta-Neeer — He sure is a bum Egyptian, but at that he may improve. There is vast room for it! Evidently the Sacred Asp has fallen down on its job, or you wouldn't have gotten this far. But there may be qualities in him we do not suspect. Messenger of Abydos, take him. Treat him kindly. See that he is prepared for his awful journey. On your way, and as you go, prod the Sacred Asp.

Candidates are led outside the room and then brought in singly for the Fourth Episode.


Scene 1Oasis of Karnak.
Scene 2Desert of Darfur.
Scene 3City of Hyksos.
Scene 4Nile and adjacent swamps.
Scene 5Cavern of the Asp of Thothmes.
PersonsRek-Mara; Colonel in Kings Bodyguard; Candidates.


Oasis of Karnak.

Rek-Mara thus addresses all candidates, outside: