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Absolution from vows, 164-5, 303

Adam de Craponne, 8

Addison, 53-4

Ægitna, 180

Æschylus, 8

Agay, 152

Agricola, 121-2

Aix, 14, 55-71

Alassio, 288-90

Albenga, 293-5

Albizzola, 312-3

Algerine pirates, 225

Aloes, 7

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, 209

Ambrons and Teutons, 56-9

Ambrose, S., 28-9

Andora, 290

Ampelio, S., 273-4

Amphitheatres, 14, 15, 119, 120, 206

Andrew, King, 136

Angers, 70

Annulling of marriage, 239-40

Antibes, 3, 14, 165, 187-8, 190

Architecture, domestic, 279-80; Gothic, 22-3

Arco Romans, 289

Argens River, 97, 114

Arles, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 25, 39

Arluc, 185-6

Armentarius, S., 131

Augustine predestination, 100-1

Augustus, Emperor, 241-2

Aurelian Way, 55, 118, 148, 261, 272

Avignon, sale of, 3, 137; union with France, 17

Baal, 13, 121

Bagne, 76-7

Balaun, Pierre de, 35

Balbs, Bertrand de, 208

Baptistery, 272, 294

Bar, le, 174

Barbarossa, 211, 292

Barjac, Pierre de, 35

Barma Grande, 261

Barras, 82

Baux, les, 236

Bazaine, Marshal, 195-9

Belzunce, Bishop, 51

Berengarius, Marquess, 107

Bishop and chapter, 179

Blanc, M., 237-8

Boccaccio, 37-8, 139, 143

Bonaparte, Joseph, 52-3
—Napoleon. See Napoleon

Bordighera, 264, 267, 273-5

Bormes, 175

Bourbon, Constable de, 48-9

Bozo, King of Arles, 17, 207

Bravade, 111-12

Bresca family, 285-6

Brougham, Lord, 2

Brumaire, the 18th, 126

Burning Bush, triptych, 70-1

Butillo Prignano, 142, 144

Cabane, Philippine, 135-7
—Raymond, 135-6

Cabasse, 11

Cabastaing, William de, 37

Cabris, Louise de, 169-72

Cæsar, Julius, 27, 41-3, 118

Cagnes, 224-5