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Grimaldi family, 109, 208-9. 224-5
229-37, 258-9, 269
Grossulano, Bishop, 308-10
Guelfs and Ghibellines, 267, 278, 317

Hamilton, Lady Mary, 239-40
Hanbury, Sir Thomas, 261
Hannibal, 14, 294
Henry IV., 73
Heraclea, 12
Heracles, 8, 12
Hermits, 185
Hilary, S., 122-4, 153
Honoratus, S., 123, 153-6, 200
Hospice, S., 207
Hugh of Provence, 104-7
Huguenots, 174-6
Hyères, 84-96, 138
Hymn, lucky number of, 233-4
Hymns, 25-9

Iron Mask, 191-5

James, of Aragon, 139
Jeannette, Ste., 158
Jenkins's Ear, 181-2
Jerusalem, Crown of, 133, 134
Joanna I. of Naples, 3, 133-143
"II."133 145-6
John XL, 106
Jouvines, les, 18
Julius II., 304-5, 313

Lampedusa, 282-3
Langue d'Oc, 24, 29
Lascaris family, 269-71
Lazarus, S., 47-8
Lemons, 275-6
Leprosy, 281
Lerins, Iles of, 181, 183, 186. 190- 203
Levant, Ile of, 93-5
Ligurians, 8, 11, 12, 14, 39-41,
121, 148, 180-1, 206
Limestone, 9
Lombards, 206
Louis of Tarentum, 137-9
" XL, 67; annexes Provence,
Louis XIV., 191-3, 242
Loup, Gorges of the, 158, 172-4,
Love, Troubadour, 31-7
Lympia, 205

Majolus, S., 107-8
Marceau, General, 216
Margaret, Queen, 66-7
Marius, 14, 56, 59-61
Marozia, 105-6
Marseilles, 4, 12, 13, 18, 39-54,
118, 138; Marquesate, 88
Marie, sister of Joanna I., 143
Marquisates, 311-2
Martha, Ste., 48; sorceress, 60
Marriage, Troubadour idea of, 31-7
Martin, S., 289-90
" IV., 164
Mary Magdalen, Ste., 48
Masséna, 213-6
Massacre at Toulon, 82-3
Matthews, Admiral, 181-2
Mattioli, 193
Maures, Montagues des, 3, 4, 9,
87,97-112, 114, 138
Maxim, Sir Hiram, 248
Maximin, S., 23
Megalithic monuments, 11, 131
Melkarth, 12, 13, 227
Mentone, 228, 231, 255-63
Merle, Captain, 91-2
Mellin, 151-2
Mirabeau family, 169-172
Miramas, 8
Mistral, 7, 88, 113, 257
Monaco, 12, 226-54, 259
Monte Carlo, 1, 239-54
Montpellier, 1
Monans Sartoux, 174-6
Mulberry trees, 101
Music, 26-29
Muy, le, 149, 150

Napoleon I., 4, 80-3, 115-8, 126,
193-5, 305
Napoule, La, 186-7
Narbonne, 16
Nervia, River, 273
Nice, 12, 13, 205-226, 255
Nicolas IV., 164
Nîmes, 16