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therefore now; and [I] recommend at this time my spirit into Thy hands.

These demands and questions beforesaid ought to be said, as well to religious as to seculars, to the end that in the pain of death they be the better informed of their estate. And if the time suffer it, men ought yet to say this that followeth:

Believest thou all the principal articles of the faith of Holy Church, and all the Holy Scripture in all things; and the exposition of the catholic and all holy doctors, of our Mother, Holy Church? Answer: Yea.

Despisest thou and reprovest all heresies, errors and superstitions, which be reproved of Holy Church? He ought to answer: Yea.

Knowledgest thou that oft, and in many manners, thou hast right grievously offended thy Maker? Answer: Yea.

As saith Saint Bernard there is none saved without (to have) knowledge of himself; for of this know- ledge groweth humility which is mother of health.

Yet ought to be demanded:

Brother or sister, sorrowest thou for all thy sins which thou hast commised against the majesty, the love, the goodness of God; and of the good deeds that thou hast not done; and of the graces of God of which thou hast been negligent? He ought to answer: Yea.

Thou oughtest not only to sorrow for doubt of the death which thou attendest, or for any