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but strongly to desire remission of his sins and to come to everlasting life.

Fourthly he ought to commend his soul to God saying : In manus tuas, etc.

Fifthly he ought to yield his spirit to God voluntarily, in conforming him all to the will of God like as it appertaineth, and in saying, if he may, the obsecrations that follow :

To THE Trinity

Sovereign Deity, right great Bounty, excellent and glorious Trinity, Sovereign Dilection,[1] Love, and Charity, have mercy on me, sinner, for I commend to Thee my spirit, my God, Father right piteous. Father of mercy give Thy mercy to this poor creature. Help me now in my last necessity. Lord, succour my poor soul, helpless now and desolate, to the end that it be not devoured by the hounds infernal. My right sweet and best beloved. Lord Jesu Christ, Son of the living God, for the love and honour, and by the virtue of Thy precious passion, command Thou, I Thee pray, that I be now received among the number of Thy chosen blessed souls. My Saviour and my Redeemer, I yield me all to Thee; refuse me not. I come to Thee; put me not from Thee.

Lord Jesu Christ, I ask of Thee heaven; nothing for the love of my merits, for I am

  1. i.e. spiritual love.