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good angels of God may accompany thee in thy coming to glory. Flee from thee that felon Sathanas, and flee he into that stinking prison of darkness eternal.

So grant, God, that his enemies be dissipated, and they that hate him flee before his face. Defail they like as smoke faileth, and as the sinners perish before the face of God; and the just persons come and enjoy them in the sight of God, and delight them in gladness. All the legions of hell and the ministers of satan be confounded in the fire, and be they ashamed and confounded; nor have they none hardiness to let nor hinder[1] thy way. Jesu Christ deliver thee from torment, which for thee deigned to die on the cross, and constitute thee among the sweet and flowering places of paradise. The same very Pastor and Herdman know thee among His sheep; which forgive to thee all thy sins, and set thee on His right side and in the party of His chosen people, and that thou may see face to face thy Creator and Maker. And that being with Him present and assistant, thou mayst behold His right manifest verity, and constituted without end among the companies well blessed, thou mayst joy in divine contemplations, world without end. Amen.

Christian Soul, depart thee from this world when it shall please God, in the Name of the

  1. 'empeshe.'