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other saints in whom afore he had a singular trust and love, and thereupon to make his prayers if he may.

When death cometh or any grievous pangs, or other great sickness, then prayer or devotion assuageth; wherefore it is wisdom for one to pray afore any sickness come, and also when one may in his sickness, if he will not be deceived. So he is happy and may be glad that [at] such a time of most need [he] hath a faithful friend; and that will say beside the prayers afore rehearsed, and cause other also to say devoutly in remembrance of the charity of Jesu Christ and of His passion, and for to have the rather[1] His mercy and help, iij Paternosters and iij Aves, with a Credo; and therewith to exhort him, by a priest, or for need by another, in the manner as followeth:

Brother, or sister, remember well that God saith by His prophet and evangelist: Blessed be those that die and depart in our Lord, that is to say from the world and his pleasures, and die in the true faith of the church, and repentance for their sins. Sir, ye have great cause to be glad for to depart from this wretched world, and full of all misery; and think that thee needs must depart, and desire heartily to be with Jesu Christ your Maker, Redeemer and Lord God, for He shall give to you now your inheritance that He did buy for you with His precious passion and blood. Wherefore this time of your departing shall be better to you than the time of your birth, for now all sickness, sorrow, and trouble shall depart now from you

  1. i.e. sooner.