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and be kind to him that giveth thee grace to see this. For there be full few that perceive with their heart the unstableness of this time; nor [the] deceit of death, that in all times lieth in a-wait, nor the everlasting felicity of that country which is to come. Lift up your eyes and look about thee busily, and see how many there be blind in their souls, and close their eyes, that they look not unto their last end, and stop their ears, that they hear not for to be converted and healed of sin. And therefore their loss and damnation shall not long tarry, but if they amend.

Also behold the company without number of them that be now lost through the mischief of undisposed death. Number the multitude of them, if thou may, and take heed how many there be the which in thy time, dwelling with thee, now be dead and passed hence from this earth. How great a multitude of brethren and fellows, and others of thy knowledge, in so few years be gone before thee — that art yet a young man and left yet on life — and they be dead. Ask of them all, and seek of everyone; and they shall teach thee and answer to thee, weeping and moaning, saying thus: O how blessed is he that seeth before, and purveyeth for these last things; and keepeth him from sin, and doeth after thy counsel; and in all time disposeth him to his last home.

Wherefore putting a-back all things that shall withdraw thee here-from, ordain for thine house, and make thee ready to that last way of every man, and to the hour of death; — for in certain thou wottest not in what hour it shall come, and how nigh it is. And