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you, and help me to answer for me. For my defaults be so many, and so abominable in the sight of Him that shall be my Judge, and mine accusors so many and so unfriendly, that they leave not one fault behind. Now come, I require you, and help to answer for me, for it was never so great need. The fear and the dread that I am in distroubleth me so that one word I cannot speak for my life. Alas that ever I saw this day!

The Answer of Reason to the Dying Creature

Be not ye remembered that Our Lord ordaineth you a good angel and a bad angel; and He ordained you reason and discretion to know good from evil. He put you in free choice whether ye would do well or evil; and also commanded you to do good and leave the evil. Ye ought to call to your remembrance how well God hath done for you, and holpen you in every danger and peril: He would have been beloved, dreaded, and served, according to the manifold mercies and kindnesses that He hath showed unto you. How to answer for you I wot not. Loth I am to accuse you, and excuse you I can not.

The Complaint of the Dying Creature TO Dread

O Dread, where be ye? Is there none help and succour with you to speak for me when I shall come to judgment