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but I would hope that Conscience would have compassion of my distress; and much the more that I am friendless.

The Answer of Conscience to the Dying Creature

I am sorry to accuse you, and excuse you I cannot. For Conscience and Dread have been full seldom from you in every time and place of peril, and bad you flee the occasions of sin. Ye might have fled at that time, and would not. Now ye would flee Death, and can not. We should speak for you, and dare not; and though we would, it availeth not. Ye must sorrowfully and meekly suffer the judgments that ye have deserved.

The Complaint of the Dying Creature TO THE Five Wits

O ye Five that were ordained to be my servants, and under mine obedience, and to have been ruled at all times as I would have you; is there no good word that ye may say for me, and record my demeaning[1] to you, and report how I have ruled and governed you that were taken[2] me to keep, rule, and govern. Me seemeth ye should say for me now. Who might say so well for me as ye Five? Ye have been continually with me ever sith I was born, night and day, and never at no time from me. Me thinketh of your kindness ye should have compassion on me, and say the best that ye coude say for

  1. demeanour
  2. i.e. given.