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The Natural History of Jamaica. 51

continuing broad to the end, which were round tips like those of Hartshorn, half an Inch long, standing out from the margin of the broader part every way, which was mostly flat, though sometimes branched; these points or tips, which are somtimes crooked, growing larger, united, and having

between them filled up, make the broadefl; part of this Coral, it appearing to be nothing clfc than the tips join'd together, and having holes in tho(e places where the fpace between them is larger, and not fo foon fill'd as the others, (bmething refembling thofe round Gakes of Bread made by the Jews at Eafler. And of this, as to manner of growth there is very great variety, the chief mark of it being from its colour and folidity the moil remarkable varieties being in the under parts of it being broad or roundilli, the Interflices filled up or not, and its rout Branches growing parted from one another every way, or being extended one way. It is to be found on mod of the Shoals about the Ifland, and vei plentifully on the Northern Coaft of H/fpamola, where the Silver Ship wj Wreck'd, much of this kind having been fillied up with it. There are many varieties of this growing on Sea Shrubs, of various fhapes and figures, but all agreeing in being more flony and Iblid than the other Kinds, although it be porous within, and rough on the outfide. TaL 1 8. their Interflices

Fig. I.








of it I have growmg prowin? all round. "a common Glafs Bottle, this Bottle was by chance or Earthquake, thrown Into the Sea in P ort- Royal Hzvbpur, and thence taken up by a Diver, whom the Reverend Mr ScamUcr fcnt to the bottom of the Sea to take up Money and Goods he had loft in the great Eardiquake. It is figured. Tab. 1 9. This flie ws the Seed of Coral to be liquid. I think the kind of Fojfd Coral found in Oxfordjhh-e, and mentioned by Mr. LuU. Lhhofhilac Brit. f. 6. No.gz. 93. feems to be this. It fort


figured, N"^. 92.





pretty well figured




by Ge[mr, and



B i

IL CoralliumAlhtimpumilumnoftras. Pig.z.





p.6z. Takit.tah. i8 4 Fig

could not find any great difference between the Coral found on the Weft Coaft o^ England, and this in Jamaica, and very little between it and one 1 had given mc by Mt.George Handifyd, who brought it from the Streights of Magellan, with many other Natural Curiofities thislaft was a little higher, more branched, lefs crooked, and flenderer That I gathered in Jamaica, was Inch high with many very crooked Branches, fmooth and folid grew on Rocks, Shells, d'c. in the bottom of the Sea, as alio in roundiih lumps or mades, whence it is fometimes caft on Shore. It is ufed in the London Shops for White Coral ; and Gjr^^i defcribes this Englip one, giving, the figure of the White Coral, taken from Lobelims Icones, This fort which grows in Jamaica, is found about Falmouth In England, by the thither thrown Storms, brokerf but heard) (as I have growing not I

to pieces.



Cat. pi. Jam. p, i Tab. 1 8. Tah. muricatum. maximum porofiim album CoraUium Fig.i, An White Coral of Davis. Purchas, lib, 3. caf. i. fe^. 5'. V. 135. c>",i^^« lib. 4i^cap. 6. fell.%' album cap.^z? vc CoraUium Linfchot, 449-^ p. 448. (^ III.




CoraUium album non fifiulofum medulla intus Part 4 Ind. or, cap. f . p. j radiata. Muf. Strammerd. p. 17 ? '. / j This from a ftony and yellowifli root or bafe, {bmewhat like in fubftancfc^ to Frecftonc, (ends up (everal Stems as large or larger than ones Thumb, a Foot and a half high, of a yellowifli White Colour; haying feveral crooked de Bry, 3



