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70 The Natural History of Jamaica.

Cat. p. zi^ p.yz^. iik^6, a^uatkum.J.B.tom.^. XXVI Eamfetummajus Harlow, brongh who by James Jamaica of Marfhes in the found was This


from thence

communicated Sherard Dr






Ferns or Capillary Plants, (Irang and numerous, very are in Jamaica of Ferns Tribe Scandent, more are of them Many growth. of their manner hke other Truncs have fome

Back the on white than they whatever But Stalks. perfedl fome Herbs or Trees, and are Europe by of thofe ged be me by they ihall is comit whereas and Leaves their of Mr. Ray, according to the divihon it yet will Stalk, or C4«//V a fpeaking, monly held that no Fern, has, properly in the trouble of deal great a avoid To they have. hereafter plainly appear only Ferns as climbing thofe of Stalks confider the difpofition of them, I Ihall


The divifions of the Leaf its


arifmg from fuch Stalk

Ihall deter-

to b w« otherwife ought which Stalk, this to mine its place without having regard named hefeafter all doiibt Without firft taken notice of in the divifion.wliichi Scandenti Affines. Fhyllitidi call fix Ferns are fuch; only there arc I Seeds their feen hatihg g fure are Ferns, and thdefo're hot am (igIhall Trichomanes name The foiirid. better a till this, them ^ the and Leaves fmall the fecond divided Fern with broad





particu every in not agree they thbiigH longer, with thofe Lonchim word with nd thofe firft. divifions general The op Eur with lar then only, Tinn^ into divided once with Thofe Secondly, Leaves. irxded I call which TinnuU, it on and otSurculus, Twig a Rib, middle the thofe with Ferns thefe of Many Kiiid. ra'mofe the is third the and nofi Filices Ramof with plain are afterwards and young, when edge the about ndented rmany finuated are they fometimes outfide, and ferrugineous Vldt be may*, which Plants, in differ appearing are, other Varieties there .'


  • .*

(found oiit by any,- who range and of new nunibier It is no great wonder that in fo great a I'was ter^after, defcribed and mentioned in my Catalog ufe made TlVave 'terms th6 think I them of Ibnie find words, t6 defcrib^

confiders their feveral defcrij^tions.



FlukcWet t)r. though plain, very of Stir viz^ of them, find fault

^leafed in 1iis .





>. ^8 3 .






other, 'for than proper tnofe Word that tUmk to^ I continue place Ala Annotirium, Germn the for Writers, taken by the bed, and evoi Trees. of Leaves contiguous ai-e which Twig; yearly Sprout Stalk of the '^ divifibb lad the to^gnifie fitter he ow if any Word body ^ny to I faften'd, leaves Fe rn to which many, in ^n^ Herbarifts bed by; iifed Wora The judg or the wings to IS a wl ev and fignificatioh very theriifelvds Leaves' Pinna for taken fonitime^ is Ferris;of Leaves the for fometimes and Surculus , Twig the what I for fometimes confounding, been very have vvoiild it that fo Branch, or Hamulus tvhole often fo. are ThefeWords meaning. my fufficiently explained and not have this in or elfewhere, figured either Ferns, of the Cuts u(ed here, and the


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