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100 The Natural History of Jamaica

There is a variety of it in the broadness of the Twigs, and so consequently of the Pinnule.

It grew in the Woods by the Crescent Plantation, and in all the inland woods of this island.

This is not the Filix Jamaicensis foliis semel subdivisis, pinnulis obtustoribus costae adnascentibus, sorbi aucupariae quodammodo referentibus. Plukenet/ Phyt. Tab. 291. Fig. 1. as Dr. Plukenet conjectures in his Mant. p. 80. but is that figured by him. Tab. 289. Fig. 4. as is apparent to any body that compares their Figures and Descriptions.

XCVII. Filix ramosa ntajcr, finnulislongis, acutis, raris, falcatis. Cat. p.z^, Filix non ramofj Jamaicenfis fediculo alhjcante alis marruhii aqnatici fere divifw per arfthitum ris quarum finnuU a tergo iiwa candidifflma nf^rgine conflata


du&acrenatd funt. Plukenet. Almag.f.i^-^. P/jyt. z^o. Fig. x. This has a Stalk rifmg about three Foot high, as big as ones Finger, of a pale green colour, and fmooth, being at about a Foot's diftance from the Ground, divided into Branches fet alternatively, about a Foot long. On which at about an Inches diftance from one another, akernatively are plac'd the Twigs, being about nine Inches long, and made up of PinnuU about an Inch long, crooked or falcated , from their Bafe, where they are for a little united, and broadeft, decreafing by degrees, ending in a point or fpinula, being falcated or crooked, having a defeat between each other, of a light green colour on the upper fide, and underneath having a ferrugineous Welt below its edge, wherein lies its Seed. The Leaves are (bmewhat indented before the Seed makes a weir, which inclines me to believe adUcinias mcl" this to be the fame with F. Plumiers Filix latifolta dentata I



liter acttleata.

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grew in the inland parts of this Ifland. The Powder on the-back fide of the Leaf



commended by




Ulcers. Filix ramofa major, hirfuta, ramulis rarts, ftnnulis afplenii, fcH ereAn Filix Jdwaicenfi. Iris, latts, hrevihus, fuhrotundis, non dentat is. Cat. p.z^. Almag. at Plukenet. dent />. 1 5 5 is, rarioribus, finnulis ramcfa^ fediculis Mufcofes,


This has many Stalks rifmg from the (ame Root, to be about two Foot about hairy, at and Finger, very ones big as as of them each being high, lowermofl: whereof are the Branches, into divided Ground, from the Foot have another. to one They oppofite almoft (et long, Inches about nine Twigs more than an Inch long, let alternatively, 'being made up of broad, notch'd Pinnul eafily fometimes, though' wl^ole, part Ihort, for the moil " for fome united often ends, their at roundifli Leaves, which are its Stalks, Branches in only hot, being colour, green pale their ^^gt%, of a hair, flrong, whitilh, (horn with a covered over all and middle Ribs, but to it. akin others all from fufBciently diftinguifhing it between Philpfs Plantation Mr. near Oro, Rio d" of Banks It grew by the fide. North the in i^4r/V/ St. and fixteen Mile Walk, fdrotunIrevilus, finnulis raris, ramulis hirfuta, minor, _ XCIX. Filix ramofa corihirfuto fediculo non ramofa, Filix diSy folit apice radices agente. Cat. p. 24. P^^^^ Tab.xS^. Phyt. Pig-S^ Almag. ^ndri foliis Americana, Plukenet. f.i^y hi Bob. qucrcinis. amplioribus alis minor Jamaicenfis fedic'ulis villofif, cffofitis ft. ^ Tournef. quercinis. part. finntdis Inft.f.si7 Ox. Filix villofa 3. f. 576. '


or three two many having knobby, and tuberous and was covered with a hairy ferrugineous Mofs, from

The Root of this was Inches long


whence roS three or four Stalks nine Inches, or a Foot high, being very {lender.




