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The Introduction.

which blows very hard all night.

11. A pretty fresh Sea Breeze, and in the afternoon a North continues all night very strong.
12. No Sea Breeze till ten a Clock.
13. An easie North.
14. Little or no Breeze.
15. A moderate Sea Breeze.
16. Little or no Sea Breeze, but very hot.
17. Little or no Breeze, but very hot.
18. A moderate North.
19. A very easie North, with some small drops of Rain in the afternoon.
20. A great North.
21. A North easie all day, in the evening and all night very violent.
22. In the morning very calm, continues so all day.
23. Between Passage Fort and Port Royal I found a hot or warm Wind before Sunrising, coming from the Salt-Pond-Hills over the Mangroves and Ponds. I ask'd the Watermen if they did observe it, which they told me they did, and found it very evident. Very hot, and sultry weather.
24. In the morning a small Fog in the Savannas, and in the Afternoon a Sea Breeze very small, very hot and sultry weather.
25. In the morning no Breeze but very hot in the afternoon and all night a very strong North.
26. A very strong North all day and the night following.
27. In the morning a small North, which increases all day, and continues the most part of the night.
28. An easie Sea Breeze, at four in the afternoon a North with a little Rain.
29. An easie North.
30. Little or no Breeze.
31. Little or no Breeze.

January 1688.

 2. Little or no Breeze in the morning, very hot all day.
 3. Little or no Breeze.
 4. Little or no Breeze.
 5. A pretty fresh North.
 6. A small North.
 7. A small North.
 8. The most part of this day small Rain, a little overcast with a small Sea Breeze, in the evening Rain.
 9. In the morning a pretty strong Sea Breeze, in the evening Rain.
10. An easie Sea Breeze.
11. Little or no Sea Breeze.
12. A pretty strong Sea Breeze, a little Rain in the evening.
13. A pretty strong Sea Breeze, with some drops in the afternoon.
14. A pretty strong Sea Breeze, and overcast.
15. A very strong Sea Breeze, and overcast.
16. An easie North.
17. A