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var. β. alopecurum, l. with short hair points; caps. smaller.

γ. gracilescens. l. obtuse, caps. small, on a short seta.

225. R. microcarpon. Brid. St. slender fasciculate with short branches; l. spreading falcato-secund, lanceolate tapering to a short point, areolæ all long and sinuous; caps. small ovate, thin and pale, with a robust rostrate lid.

Highlands of Scotland.

226. R. lanuginosum. Brid. St. very long and slender, fasciculate; l. lanceolate tapering into a long strongly dentate point, sometimes secund or spreading from an erect base; areolæ sinuous; caps. small ovoid, on a short roughish seta, and with a long straight rostrate lid; calyp. papillose above.

Mountains, walls, rocks, and heaths. III.

227. R. canescens. Brid. St. 2-4in. decumbent at base; l. ovate-lanceolate tapering into a long denticulate point, recurved from an erect base, areolæ sinuous; caps. ovoid eight-striate when dry, with a very long subulate lid; calyp. papillose above.

Stony and sandy heaths. III.

var. β. prolixum. older innovations only with fasciculate ramuli.

γ. ericoides. covered with fasciculate ramuli; l. squarrose.


228. G. Daviesii. Schwg. St. ½in. cæspitose; l. linear-lanceolate spreading entire, margin thickened and reflexed