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from a broader base, margins plane, incurved, almost cucullate at serrulate apex; caps. short, at first upright, afterwards cernuous, sometimes six, sometimes only four or five-angled; lid rostrate; calyp. short, and shortly villous.

Summits of Scotch mountains. VIII. IX.

Ben Lawers; Cairngorm, &c.

280. P. gracile. Menzies. St. about ½in. densely tufted; l. lanceolate from a broad sheathing base, serrate, with prominent lamellæ on upper surface; caps. ovate, obscurely four, five, six-angled; lid conico-rostrate; calyp. small.

Turbaries, &c., frequent. VI.

281. P. formosum. Hedw. St. 3-6in. loosely tufted; l. spreading linear-lanceolate from a broad sheathing base, acute, serrate, lamellate; caps. four, five, six-angled, fawn-coloured; lid long conical; calyp. large.

Woods. VI.

var. β. pallidisetum. st. and l. shorter; caps. narrower, on a short pale seta.

B. Caps. four-angled; apoph. very distinct.

282. P. commune. L. St. 6 or 8in. simple; l. spreading reflexed, linear-lanceolate, sheathing, whitish and membranous at base, serrate on margin and back; nerve broad; per. l. with long wavy hair points; caps. short, upright, afterwards cernuous, on a very long seta; lid variable in size; calyp. large reddish.

Tufty and marshy places. vi.

var. β. perigoniale. smaller; outer per. l. longer; dry heaths.