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crowded, shortly oblong, inflated at base, margins revolute below, all cucullate; caps. oblong-pyriform pendulous, on a long seta.

Southport Sands, where liable to inundation.

307. (16) B. alpinum. L. St. ½-2in. cæspitose simple; l. imbricate lanceolate, margins recurved, serrulate at apex; caps. oblong-pyriform pendulous, deep red, on a bent and arcuate seta, lid mammillate; whole plant reddish and shining.

Sub-alpine moist rocks, fr. rare. VI.

308. (17) B. Muhlenbeckii. B. & S. St. ½in. or more; tufted, branched, radiculose; l. almost elliptical, blunt-pointed, conical, almost cucullate at apex, margin reflexed; nerved almost to apex; caps. oblong tapering, pendulous, reddish brown; lid convex pointed.

Scotch mountains (Dr. C. Smith and Dr. Stirton).

309. (18) B. turbinatum. Hedw. St. ½-3in. sometimes branched; l. lower ovate-lanceolate, upper longer and narrower, concave, margins not recurved; nerve not always reaching apex; caps. globoso-pyriform pendulous, when dry contracted at mouth, reddish brown; lid convex pointed.

Manchester; Fakenham; Norfolk. VI. VII.

var. β. prælongum. st. elongate, l. pale green, caps. ventricose larger.

310. (19) B. latifolium. Schl. (B. turbinatum, var. γ, Bry. Brit.) St. elongate, decumbent at base; l. imbricate, broadly oblong-acuminate, very concave, shining, serrulate at apex, margined, nerve excurrent; caps. longer than the last,