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333. (42) B. Funkii. Schw. Gregarious; st. branched, branches julaceous; l. crowded at summit of branches; st. and br. leaves ovate, cochleariform, nerve excurrent into a short point; comal leaves ovate-oblong acuminate, shortly cuspidate: areolæ lax; caps. obovate or globoso-pyriform, inclined on a flexuous seta.

Walls, &c. Sandy shore, Southport (Wilson). V. VI.

334. (43) B. Zierii. Dicks. Silvery reddish tufts, st. ½-1in., branches julaceous; l. roundish ovate-acuminate, entire, margins not recurved, not nerved to apex; areolæ lax; caps. large clavate-pyriform, gibbous, with a long slender tapering neck, incurved cernuous; lid small, conical, acute; inner perist. longest, with imperfect cilia.

Crevices of mountainous rocks. E. S. I. X. XI.

335. (44) B. demissum. Hook. St. ¼in. tufted; l. ovate-acuminate, erect when dry, margin recurved, nerve generally excurrent; per. l. lanceolate, with longer points; areolæ lax; caps. clavate-pyriform, much incurved, cernuous; seta "curved above like a swan's neck"; inner perist. longest.

Rocks. Breadalbane Mts.; rare. VIII. IX.

Sect. VI.

336. (45) B. Tozeri. Grev. St. ¼-½in. gregarious; l. lower obovate narrow, upper crowded wider apiculate, all bordered, entire; nerved (reddish) half-way; caps. obovate or pyriform pendulous; lid conical.

Shady banks, rare in fr. III. IV.

Sect. VII.

337. (46) B. roseum. Schreb. St. 1-3in., l. lower, small, scattered lanceolate; upper in a large rosaceous tuft, spathu-