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furrowed when dry, seta four-sided at summit, twisted to right when dry; lid convex or mammillate. [Bry. Eur., IV., t. 316. Schp. Syn., 417.]

On the ground and stones. Early summer.

Maresfield, Sussex (Mitten), 1862.

2. Caps. cernuous, perist. double.

a. Branches fastigiate. Monoicous.

368. B. rigida. Bals. & Not. St. ¼-½in.; br. erect or recurved; l. erecto-patent, straight, rigid, lanceolate, finely serrulate, nerve excurrent, cap., large, sub-spherical, furrowed when dry, and cernuous; lid conical pointed; seta erect; inner perist. sometimes imperfect.

Shady banks, mountains. IX. X.

b. Br. fasciculate: dioicous.

  • L. plicate and sheathing at base.

369. B. arcuata. Brid. St. 1-4in., with reddish brown radicles; l. ovate-lanceolate from a broad erect sheathing base, scabrous, serrulate, spreading; caps. sub-globose, almost pendulous, on an arcuate seta, furrowed when dry.

Waterfalls and wet rocks. IX. X.

  • * L. not sheathing or plicate. (Philonotis.)

370. B. (Philonotis) FONTANA. Brid. Stem 1-6in., with reddish black radicles; l. ovate-acuminate, short and appressed or lanceolate secund, or spreading and longer (generally plicate at base), nerve almost excurrent; perig. l. obtuse, nerveless; caps. sub-globose large, furrowed when dry.

Springs and wet places. VI.