Page:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA synopsisofbritis00hobk).pdf/144

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  • * Synoicous.

377. B. gracilis. Floerke, 1799. (B. Oederi, Swartz, 1800). St. 1-3in.; l. linear-lanceolate, recurved from an erect, not sheathing base, crisped when dry, margins recurved, serrate above, keeled, smooth; caps. small globose, oblique, lid convex.

Moist shady rocks. V.

378. B. ithyphylla. Brid. St. ½-2in.; l. from an erect broad base sharply bent back and lanceolate-subulate, rigid, serrulate, not crisped when dry, broadly nerved to apex; caps. globose, almost erect or cernuous.

Alpine and sub-alpine rocks. VI.

62. CONOSTOMUM. Swartz.

379. C. boreale. Swartz. St. ½-2in. tufted, radiculose; l. imbricate lanceolate acuminate, keeled, serrate, nerve excurrent into a mucro; caps. globose, gibbous, cernuous; lid large beaked.

Summits of Scotch mountains. VIII. IX.


380. C. nigritum. Brid. St. 1in. or more (Wilson says 2-6in. or more), radiculose; l. lanceolate acute, margin reflexed entire, nerved nearly to apex; upper ones largest; caps. small globose, dark-coloured or black, cernuous; lid small conical.

Moist alpine rocks, &c.

Wilson says "fruits March (?)" My specimen from Fife is August.